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Working iPython notebook files for the processing of data relating to benchmarks and all raw data for the OEEF scanning sections can be found at GitHub. Due to the enormity of the undertaking, geometries have not been included and due to the enormity of their file sizes, PyMOL files have not been shared either, however both are available upon request.\(\newcommand{\va}{V\cdot\AA^{-1}}\newcommand{\eh}{E_h}\newcommand{\dc}{^\circ C}\newcommand{\kcalmol}{Kcal\cdot mol^{-1}}\newcommand{\kjmol}{KJ\cdot mol^{-1}}\)

A Raw data from the pathway benchmarking in Section 3.1

Table A.1: Raw \(\Delta G^{\circ}\) from the benchmarking of the reaction pathways in Section 3.1. The blank cells pertain to calculations that were not performed.

Pathway Energy (\(E_h\))
Reactant Transition State 1 Intermediate Transition State 2 Product
Non-activated -709.212961 -709.171714 -709.187604
Brønsted Acid 1 Barrierless -709.620615 -709.599167 -709.634264
Brønsted Acid 2 -786.010860 -709.596855 Barrierless -709.648273
Brønsted Base -785.166022 -708.726998 -708.701422 -708.755359
Lewis Acid Barrierless -1033.879641 -1033.855176 -1033.885971
Lewis Base Barrierless -960.453357 -960.453357 -960.483276

Table A.2: raw \(\Delta G^{\circ}\) of the species used top balance the reaction trajectories in Section 3.1

Additive Energy (\(E_h\))
\(\ce{H2O}\) -76.440078
\(\ce{H3O+}\) -76.830283
Piperidine -251.221244
\(\ce{BF3}\) -324.652124

Table A.3: Transition state imaginary frequencies and calculated transmission coefficients for the intermediate formation and cyclisation steps respectively, for the reaction pathways benchmarked in Section 3.1

Frequency 1 (\(cm^{-1}\)) \(\kappa_1\) Frequency 2 (\(cm^{-1}\)) \(\kappa_2\)
Brønsted Acid 1 Barrierless -382.40 1.157
Brønsted Acid 2 -1228.66 13.612 Barrierless
Brønsted Base -1200.35 1.185 -534.59 1.342
Lewis Acid Barrierless -427.78 1.202
Lewis Base Barrierless -548.23 1.365
PES scan of the Lewis acid (\(\ce{BF3}\)) attaching into 1, scanning along the \(\ce{O-B}\) bond length. PES scan of the Lewis base (\(\ce{piperidine-}\)) deprotonating the 1 amine, scanning along the amine \(\ce{N-H}\) bond length.
PES scan of the protonation of the ‘Brønsted acid 1’ pathway (1 \(\to\) 7) scanning along the forming \(\ce{O-H}\) bond length. PES scan of the cyclisation of the ‘Brønsted acid 2’ pathway (11 \(\to\) 4) scanning along the forming \(\ce{N-C}\) bond length.

Figure A.1: PES scans along the reaction coordinate for all barrierless steps in the various pathways.

B Raw data and reaction trajectories from Section 3.4

Table B.1: Raw \(\Delta G^\circ\), transition state imaginary frequencies, and tramsission coefficients for the benchmarks performed in Section 3.4

\(\vec F\) (\(\va\)) \(\Delta G\) Reactant (\(\eh\)) \(\Delta G\) Transition State (\(\eh\)) \(\Delta G\) Product (\(\eh\)) \(\bar\nu\) \(\kappa\)
None -708.898472 -708.838431 -708.840519 -472.60 1.243
0.1 (Catalytic) -708.898222 -708.841845 -708.845638 -434.69 1.210
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.898075 -708.836571 -708.838916 -472.30 1.247
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.898395 -708.839004 -708.840006 -472.70 1.166
None -708.906434 -708.853442 -708.8 58711 -489.29 1.276
0.1 (Catalytic) -708.906599 -708.857667 -708.865868 -465.54 1.246
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.906126 -708.851179 -708.857311 -487.68 1.274
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.906126 -708.851179 -708.857311 -487.68 1.257
None -708.916525 -708.871672 -708.885508 -486.00 1.266
0.1 (Catalytic) -708.915264 -708.875421 -708.890046 -460.69 1.240
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.914632 -708.867875 -708.879710 -484.81 1.271
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.915696 -708.872193 -708.883006 -462.14 1.242
None -708.916180 -708.872721 -708.885927 -482.10 1.267
0.1 (Catalytic) -708.916826 -708.878676 -708.894984 -457.65 1.236
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.916163 -708.870769 -708.884170 -486.67 1.273
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.917107 -708.875217 -708.887664 -458.69 1.238
None -708.916626 -708.873640 -708.887326 -480.16 1.264
0.1 (Catalytic) -708.917322 -708.879704 -708.896476 -456.87 1.235
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.916525 -708.871672 -708.885508 -486.00 1.272
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.916525 -708.871672 -708.885508 -486.00 1.235
None -708.916820 -708.874020 -708.887956 -481.96 1.267
0.1 (Catalytic) -708.917509 -708.880107 -708.897132 -456.64 1.235
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.916764 -708.872039 -708.886105 -486.57 1.273
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.917400 -708.876558 -708.889680 -459.05 1.238

Figure B.1: Reaction trajectories for the relaxed benchmarks performed in Section 3.4

C Electron density difference maps of the derivatives discussed in Section 3.5

\(\ce{R1 = H, R2 = H}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = H, R2 = H}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = H, R2 = NH2}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = H, R2 = NH2}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = H, R2 = NO2}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = H, R2 = NO2}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = NH2, R2 = H}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = NH2, R2 = H}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = NH2, R2 = NH2}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = NH2, R2 = NH2}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = NH2, R2 = NO2}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = NH2, R2 = NO2}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = NO2, R2 = H}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = NO2, R2 = H}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = NO2, R2 = NH2}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = NO2, R2 = NH2}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective
\(\ce{R1 = NO2, R2 = NO2}\)
\(F=\) S selective
\(\ce{R1 = NO2, R2 = NO2}\)
\(F=\) S anti-selective

Figure C.1: Electron density difference isosurfaces following an isovalue of 0.0002 for the optimal \(0.1\:\va\) S selective/S anti-selective OEEF directions for each of the derivatives, calculated at M06-2X/6-31+G*, solvated in CPCM ethanol. The red and blue isosurfaces represent regions of increased and decreased electron density respectively. The yellow arrow is a representation of the direction of the applied field vector.

D Raw data and reaction trajectories from Section 3.6

Figure D.1: Raw \(\Delta G^\circ\), transition state imaginary frequencies, and tramsission coefficients for the benchmarks performed in Section 3.6

\(\vec F\) (\(\va\)) \(\Delta G\) Reactant (\(\eh\)) \(\Delta G\) Transition State (\(\eh\)) \(\Delta G\) Product (\(\eh\)) \(\bar\nu\) \(\kappa\)
Non-derivatised (\(\ce{R1,R2=H}\))
None -708.916180 -708.872721 -708.885927 -482.10 1.267
0.1 (Catalytic) -708.916826 -708.878676 -708.894984 -457.65 1.236
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.916163 -708.870769 -708.884170 -486.67 1.273
0.1 (S anti-selective) -708.917107 -708.875217 -708.887664 -458.69 1.238
0.2 (Catalytic) -708.913028 -708.876643 -708.903230 -431.65 1.207
0.2 (S anti-selective) -708.916849 -708.868621 -708.882899 -488.55 1.276
0.2 (S anti-selective) -708.918317 -708.877299 -708.890741 -436.64 1.212
Derivatised (\(\ce{R1,R2=NO2}\))
None -1117.798403 -1117.747859 -1117.759120 -511.75 1.308
0.1 (Catalytic) -1117.792269 -1117.752700 -1117.768354 -489.44 1.277
0.1 (S anti-selective) -1117.797376 -1117.744906 -1117.758071 -517.59 1.316
0.1 (S anti-selective) -1117.801593 -1117.745641 -1117.760201 -486.77 1.273
0.2 (Catalytic) -1117.787395 -1117.750533 -1117.775299 -443.38 1.220
0.2 (S anti-selective) -1117.795114 -1117.741251 -1117.757556 -527.43 1.331
0.2 (S anti-selective) -1117.803489 -1117.748212 -1117.761122 -484.36 1.27
Derivatised (\(\ce{R1,R2=NH2}\))
None -819.567938 -819.527946 -819.541147 -453.96 1.232
0.1 (Catalytic) -819.572619 -819.535792 -819.550188 -427.28 1.202
0.1 (S anti-selective) -819.569241 -819.526057 -819.540957 -463.67 1.244
0.1 (S anti-selective) -819.569181 -819.530218 -819.544841 -432.05 1.207
0.2 (Catalytic) -819.576743 -819.539267 -819.556151 -418.99 1.193
0.2 (S anti-selective) -819.570568 -819.525077 -819.541019 -468.29 1.249
0.2 (S anti-selective) -819.572210 -819.531785 -819.548810 -407.72 1.182

E Transition state geometries and reaction trajectories from the OEEF perturbed benchmarks in Section 3.6

Figure E.1: Reaction trajectories for the benchmarks performed in Section 3.6

\(\ce{R1,R2 = H}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
R selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = H}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
S selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = H}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
\(\ce{R1,R2 = H}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
R selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = H}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
S selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = H}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NO2}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
R selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NO2}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
S selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NO2}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NO2}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
R selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NO2}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
S selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NO2}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NH2}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
R selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NH2}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
S selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NH2}\)
\(\vec F=0.1\:\va\)
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NH2}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
R selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NH2}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)
S selective
\(\ce{R1,R2 = NH2}\)
\(\vec F=0.2\:\va\)

Figure E.2: Transition state geometries and reaction trajectories from the OEEF perturbed benchmarks in Section 3.6

F Full theoretical choices, approximations and precision used throughout the project

Software Package Job type Functional Basis set Solvation Convergence criteria Integration grid Approximations Field
Pathway Benchmarking: low level opt
ORCA 5.0.11 Opt M062X6 aug-cc-pVTZ23 aug-cc-pVTZ/JK CPCM184 Ethanol Tightscf tightopt Defgrid3 RIJK19 No
Pathway Benchmarking: High level opt
ORCA 5.0.11 Opt ωB97M-V9 Def2-QZVPP10def2/j11 SMD5 Ethanol Verytightscf tightopt Defgrid3 RIJCosX12 No
Pathway Benchmarking: TS Searching NEB
ORCA 5.0.11 NEB-TS M062X6 aug-cc-pVTZ23 aug-cc-pVTZ/JK CPCM184 Ethanol Tightscf tightopt Defgrid3 RIJK19 No
Pathway Benchmarking: High level opt - TS
ORCA 5.0.11 OptTS ωB97M-V9 Def2-QZVPP10def2/j11 SMD5 Ethanol Verytightscf tightopt Defgrid3 RIJCosX12 No
Pathway Benchmarking: PES scanning
ORCA 5.0.11 SCAN ωB97M-V9 Def2-TZVPD10Def2/J11 SMD5 Ethanol Tightscf Defgrid2 RIJCosX No
Pathway Benchmarking: High level opt Frequencies
ORCA 5.0.11 Freq ωB97M-V9 Def2-QZVPP10Def2/j11 SMD5 Ethanol Verytightscf Defgrid3 RIJCosX12 No
Partial charge determination
Multiwfn 3.813 CHELPG20 charges based on the wavefunctions calculated above, using a grid density of \(0.1\:\AA\).
Multiwfn uses the LIBRETA21 package for evaluation of the electrostatic potential
Benchmarking barrier as a function of \(F_y\)
ORCA 5.0.11 Single Point M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 SMD5 Ethanol/none Standard Defgrid3 none Yes
Benchmarking R/S separation as a function of \(F_z\)
ORCA 5.0.11 Single Point M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 SMD5 Ethanol/none Standard Defgrid3 none Yes
Benchmarking catalysis/separation (\(F_y\)/\(F_z\)) as function of dielectric medium
ORCA 5.0.11 Single Point M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 CPCM184 varied Standard Defgrid3 none Yes
OEEF scans
Psi4 1.4151617 Opt M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 none Standard 590/99 none Yes
EDD isosurfaces
Psi4 1.4151617 SP M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 none/CPCM184 Standard 590/99 none Yes
Relaxed OEEF Solvent Benchmarking
ORCA 5.0.11 Opt NumFreq M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 CPCM184 varied Tightopt Defgrid3 none Yes/No
Derivative Efield scans
Psi4 1.4151617 Opt M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 CPCM184 Standard 590/99 none Yes
Point charge perturbation
ORCA 5.0.11 Single Point M062X6 6-31+G(d)78 none verytightscf Defgrid3 none Yes

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