Psi4 has really fantastic documentation and a rather swift development cycle, so I tend to go straight to the Psi4 documentation to find what I need. There are a fair few gems hidden within the python bindings though that aren’t well documented (or aren’t even mentioned), so those are tricky and I’ll do my best to write about them here.
Threading and Memory¶
memory 14 GB
If you’re going to be changing the scratch from within the script, you’ll need to use the psi4_io
psi4_io = psi4.core.IOManager.shared_object()
Hybrid Basis¶
would be applied to all atoms3-21G
would be applied to all carbon atomssto-3g
would be applied to only H1 and C1
basis {
assign DZ
assign C 3-21G
assign H1 sto-3g
assign C1 sto-3g
Increase the DFT grid density for more accurate calculations (list of grids here):
set {
dft_spherical_points 590 # equivalent to Grid6 in ORCA
dft_radial_points 99
scf_type df # always use DF for DFT?
changes the number of SCF iterationsguess sad
is the default and is good though if this doesn’t work, tryhuckel
specifies UHF, RHF or ROHFscf_type direct
is a solid algorithm, thoughpk
are also good
set {
guess sad
reference uhf
scf_type direct # default is df
maxiter 200 # default is 100
For hard to converge systems - OPTIONS¶
You can use a second order SCF calculation¶
sef {
soscf true
If it’s kicking in too early, then increase the point at which it kicks in. I’t’s probably a good idea to only really kick it off when the iterations start to be less useful
sef {
soscf true
soscf_start_convergence 1.0e-6
You can try increasing the number of micro steps if you’re not getting much benefit. To see if they’re converging, set soscf_print true
and how tightly they need to converge I don’t think it’s really needed to increase this, as it’s far more likely that it’s not being reached.
sef {
soscf_conv 5.0e-5 # default is 5.0e-3
soscf_max_iter 10 # default is 5, you can set this crazy high though (lik3 30)
soscf_print true
set {
soscf true
soscf_start_convergence 1.0e-5 # default is 1.0e-3
# soscf_conv 5.0e-5 # default is 5.0e-3
soscf_max_iter 1000
soscf_print true
Enables the QC algorithm used by gaussian
sef scf {
qchf true
In some cases with oscillating SCF it may be worth using MOM, the trick however is to ONLY switch it on when needed, not before. It can do some really bad things to the energy if switched on too early.
set scf {
mom_start 20 # Switches on that the 20th SCF iteration
I would strongly suggest looking over the ERI algorithms, guess methods and SOSCF sections of the Psi4 documentation for more appropriate and up-to-date methods for getting the most from Psi4. These tend to change pretty quickly from version to version, and the [SCF documentation]( is very robust, so I will defer to the Psi4 guys.
The inputs for MCSFF are based on the symmetry of the orbitals, so in this example of water, the restricted doubly occupied orbitals (docc
) are 1xA1, 0xA2, 0xB1 and 0xB2. Where symmetry is all the same, a single item could be used in the list instead.
The lists provided are
set {
basis 6-31G**
restricted_docc [1, 0, 0, 0]
active [3, 0, 1, 2]
nat_orbs True
set detci
To swap out (rotate) orbitals from our different spaces, we can use the detci
option mcscf_rotate
. We append a list for each swap, with the values:
- Irrep (symmetry)
- Orbital 1
- Orbital 2
- this switches them over
set detci {
mcscf_rotate [[0, 16, 18, 90]]
We could also choose a specific root to follow with
follow_root 1 #for the first excited state
or specify how many roots to calculate
num_roots 5
You would typically call an casscf job using a reference wavefunction, but if not, you can specify the guess type
energy('casscf' ref_wfn=wfn) #specify the reference wavefunction directly
set detci {
mcscf_guess mp2 #specify mp2 natural orbitals as the guess (mp2 only for DF-RHF)
Generating Cubefiles¶
Requires the calculation of energy, saved to a wavefunction.
The orbitals are specified as \(+ve\) for \(\alpha\) cubes and \(-ve\) for \(\beta\) cubes
set globals {
cubeprop_tasks ['orbitals']
cubeprop_orbitals [5,6,-5,-6]
E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
These can be read in and visualised with Py3Dmol
Generating FCHK Files¶
If you return the wfn object, you can run it thorugh the fchk_writer
function to spit out an fchk file
energy, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
fchk(wfn, 'output.fchk')
For viewing in Avogadro(1), or GaussView generate an fchk as above
For python interpretation or PyMol:
cubeprop_tasks ['ESP', 'DENSITY']
energy, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
fchk(wfn, 'output.fchk')
Load the Dt.cube
, ESP.cube
into PyMol and copy and paste the code from here
The ESP can also be calculated at specific points:
mat = np.array([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
psi4mat = psi4.core.Matrix.from_array(mat)
myesp = psi4.core.ESPPropCalc(wfn)
charges = myesp.compute_esp_over_grid_in_memory(psi4mat)
For an more finessed implementation, see my miniFMO-ESP implementation
Molecular Property Analysis¶
E, wfn = energy('hf', properties=['MULLIKEN_CHARGES', 'LOWDIN_CHARGES'], return_wfn=True)
# these charges can be accessed through the wfn object directly
for i in range(wfn.molecule().natom()):
charge = wfn.atomic_point_charges().np[i]
For an example of evaluating properties on a grid in parallel see this function and how it’s utilised, as well as the ESP section
Point Charges¶
I’ve not explored this yes, but as of Psi4 1.6:
“External charges locations now always specified in Bohr, rather than units of molecule. Also, creation of QMMM object is discouraged. Instead, pass charges and locations through external_potentials
keyword argument.” Check the documentation for syntax, as it is different!
You can specify point charges by making an psi4.QMMM.externalPotential
object and applying to your job as such:
chrgfield = psi4.QMMM() # create the chargefield
chrgfield.addChargeAngstrom(-1, 0, 0, 0) # add some charges
chrgfield.addChargeAngstrom(1, 1, 0, 0)
chrgfield.populateExtern() # build the chargefield's extern object
psi4.core.set_global_option_python('EXTERN', chrgfield.extern) # add the extern object to the calculation
This allows the QMMM
object to be created, edited and replaced on the fly, without having to edit the gheometry, as you might in ORCA or gaussian.
Be aware of geometry units. If obtaining point charges from atoms as in Molecular Property Analysis, the units spat out by the molecule.x
, molecule.y
and molecule.z
variables will be in Bohr, not angstrom, so it might be more convenient to use .addChargeBohr()
For an more finessed implementation, see my miniFMO implementation
Wavefunction Saving¶
You can save and load wavefunction objects to numpy arrays using the inbuilt function as such:
# save wavefunction
# load wavefunction
wfn = psi4.core.Wavefunction.from_file("wfn.npy")
While Psi4 v1.6 has significantly improved the performance of this module with parallelisation and integral screening, there are still no analytical gradients, which makes PCM effectively unusable for optimisations or freqs.
- Available models are:
- Solvents and keywords are documented in the PCMSolver documentation
- For viewing the cavities generated, you can use to view the
file. This should allow you to tweak the cavity area value to reduce the number of points that PCMSolver has to compute. Just make sure to rename the file extention to
set {
pcm true
pcm_scf_type total
pcm = {
Units = Angstrom
Medium {
SolverType = CPCM
Solvent = Ethanol
Cavity {
RadiiSet = UFF
Type = GePol
Scaling = False
Area = 0.3
Mode = Implicit
When using Psi4 as a module you need to use the `psi4.pcm_helper()`` function to parse the PCMSolver options as such:
pcm = """Units = Angstrom
Medium {
SolverType = CPCM
Solvent = Ethanol
Cavity {
RadiiSet = UFF
Type = GePol
Scaling = False
Area = 1.0
Mode = Implicit
Geometry Opt¶
For more optimisation iterations
set globals {
geom_maxiter 500
You can print out a trajectory file as follows:
set optking {
print_trajectory_xyz_file True
Backtransofrmation or torsion issues in general, just optimise in cartesian space, though this may make the optimisation process slower:
set optking {
opt_coordinates cartesian
you could try forcing multiple backtransformation attempts, however this doesn’t always work
Could not converge backtransformation
set optking {
ensure_bt_convergence true
If you wanted to keep optimising with internal coordinates, you can use the following to try and clean up the geometry.
molecule eal{
0 1
C 1.75400 0.01500 -0.00100
If the geometry just isn;t converging, you could try modifying the dynamic level as such
set {
dynamic_level = 2
This corresponds to the levels below (taken from the psi4 source):
/* if dynamic mode is on, then other settings are overridden.
* step_type = step
* intrafragment_step_limit = step_limit
* consecutive_backsteps = backsteps
* RI = redundant internals; D = default anyway
*dynamic step coord step_limit backsteps criteria
* level for downmove for upmove
* 0 RFO RI dynamic no none none
* 1 RFO RI dynamic(D) no 1 bad step
* 2 RFO RI small initial yes (1) 1 bad step
* dynamic(D)
* 3 SD RI large(D) yes (1) 1 bad step
* 4 SD RI+XYZ large(D) yes (1) 1 bad step
* 5 SD XYZ large(D) yes (1) 1 bad step
* 6 SD XYZ small yes (1) 1 bad step
* 7 abort
* BackStep:
* DE > 0 in minimization
* BadStep:
* DE > 0 and backsteps exceeded and iterations > 5 ** OR **
* badly defined internal coordinate or derivative
* */
PSIO Error
Scratch directory couldn’t be written to
ADCC Errors¶
In getting the adcc module to work with Psi4 1.5 I ran into a couple of issues that are easiy enough to fix:
The first happens as a result of a conda consistency issue and can be fixed by running conda install 'h5py<3.2'
packages/h5py/, 0x0002): Symbol not found: _H5Pget_fapl_ros3
This one is a bit more annoying and happens because InvalidReference is actually in adcc.backends.psi4
cannot import name 'InvalidReference' from 'adcc.backends'
We can fix it by modifying line 3491 of lib/python3.9/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/
to read from adcc.backends.psi4 import InvalidReference
PES Scanning Example¶
It is possible to scan through a geometry by looping thorugh a list of custom geometries as shown in the example below.
You could also treat all of your geometry as variables and manipulate it incramentally in some way
This will scan through a range of geometries where \(R=2.0\unicode{x212B} \to R=7.0\unicode{x212B}\) in steps of \(0.1\unicode{x212B}\)
memory 35 GB
basis {
assign aug-cc-pvtz
assign Pd pd-def2ecp
molecule mol1{
0 1
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.60270000
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.60270000
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.66110000
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.66110000
2 1
Pd R 0.00000000 0.00000000
Rvals = []
for i in range(20, 70):
Rvals = Rvals + [ float("%.1f" % (i * 0.1))]
set scf {
maxiter 500
soscf true
ecp = {}
for R in Rvals:
mol1.R = R
ecp[R] = energy('SAPT2')
psi4.print_out("------------------- SCAN REULTS ---------------------\n")
psi4.print_out(" R [Distance] E_int [kj/mol] \n")
for R in Rvals:
e = ecp[R] * psi_hartree2kjmol
psi4.print_out(" %3.1f %10.6f\n" % (R, e))