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Medical Imaging


  • Is fundamentally based on a difference in absorbance between different materials, based on density


  • If multiple images are taken from different angles, the shadow cast can be used the calculate the shape of the initial geometry

Subtraction Radiography - Z-contrast


  • Uses a Z-contrast (Z for the atomic weight)
    • Has a higher atomic weight and therefore a higher density than the surrounding tissue.
  • Multiple x-ray images are taken, one in which the iodine will absorb the radiation and one in which it won’t
  • The two can then be computed to enhance regions where the iodine is present
    • The iodine is injected, so this will highlight the vascularity




  • The same can be done with barium in a “barium swallow” to give a contrast to a digestive x-ray


  • The treatment of cancer with the use of targeted radiation


  • Since iodine is readily absorbed and processed by the thyroid, radioactive iodine can be administered, which will decay within the thyroid, killing off all local cells
  • This is a regular treatment of thyroid cancer, as thyroxin can be provided as a supplemental hormone

Copper Chelates

  • Copper 64 (radioactive) can be bound within chelates that are bound to antibodies to target a particular cell line
  • This provides specificity as to where the copper will bind and destroy



Magnetic Contrasts

  • High spin metals within a chelate can be used to provide contrast in magnetic imaging
  • Gadolinium is used due to its half filled f orbitals (7 unpaired electrons)
    • It is also not particularly toxic and can be excreted from the body
  • The multidentate ligand provides high stability
